Simone, Arnhem
My name is Simone (28 jaar), since a few months I live together with my boyfriend, Luca (30), in Arnhem. I am Dutch and Luca is Italian. The reason that this message is in English is because we'd like to meet people that don't mind to talk in English :). Luca works currently hard on his Dutch skills but his English (and Italian ofcourse ;)) are still better. We moved to Arnhem for jobs. We love travelling (also met each other while living abroad), being in the nature and meeting up with friends and family. Since we're new in Arnhem we would like to meet more people from the Arnhem/Nijmegen area! We both enjoy cooking and most off all eating, but we also like to do other things, going out for drinks, hiking, biking etc. If you have common interests we are looking forward to meet you!
Luca and Simone